Fueled by massive federal subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), solar developers are looking to the wide open spaces of rural lands as the best places to site their projects. This is also where much of America’s farm and range land is located, as well as communities that like the existing look and character of their neighborhoods.
Last week, President Biden said of the IRA, “I’m proud to announce that my, uh, my investments, that through my investments, the most significant climate change law ever. And by the way, it is a $369 billion bill. It’s called the — uh, we, we should have named it what it was.”
Solar energy is among the most land-intensive forms of energy of all the different types of electrical generation. Per unit of electricity produced, ground-level solar installations take up more space than conventional coal. As more land goes to solar projects, farmers and ranchers are becoming another voice in the local opposition as increasingly scarce farm and rangeland is gobbled up for renewable energy.
As the supply of agrarian land diminishes, agriculture experts say, the cost of buying farm land goes up. That impacts food prices and creates a barrier to entry for new farmers. Fewer farmers and less land to farm could threaten the ability of the U.S. to maintain its own food supply. […]
— Read More: justthenews.com