The United Nations’ push for a digital identity framework has sparked intense debate about its implications for individual privacy.
As governments and international organizations increasingly embrace digital solutions to streamline services and enhance security, concerns are mounting over whether these systems could erode personal freedoms and usher in an era of unprecedented surveillance.
This article draws from mainstream news sources to explore the UN’s digital ID initiatives, their stated goals, and the privacy risks they may pose.
The UN has been advocating for digital identification as a means to address global challenges, particularly for the estimated 1.1 billion people worldwide who lack official proof of identity.
According to a Reuters report from September 2020, digital IDs are seen as a tool to unlock economic growth, with a 2019 McKinsey study cited in the article suggesting that such systems could boost economies by up to 13% of GDP by 2030 through improved access to services and smoother transactions. […]
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