(ZeroHedge)—The political left’s whole world has been turned upside down and just like 2016, millions of people are sitting back and enjoying the show on social media with a big tub of popcorn. However, some may have noticed that the behavior of the woke mob is even more unhinged than eight years ago. The defeat of Hillary Clinton hit Democrats hard because polling had been so drastically weighted in Clinton’s favor. Trump’s win in 2016 shook their faith in the mainstream media, election statistics and their belief that progressive ideology was the dominant force in American society.
Their response to the loss was tears and rage. They acted as if they had been betrayed by the system; that ever present cradle rocking them to sleep with a sense of false security. Nanny government was no longer there to protect them from scary words and contrary ideas. Unfortunately this led to years of false Russian collusion conspiracies and race riots.
This year’s election, though, seems to have broken progressive brains. They aren’t just lashing out, they’ve gone completely insane. Liberal women have been shaving their heads in protest of men (as if men care), Kamala Harris supporters have taken to social media to scream incoherent gibberish about misogyny and racism, and many are threatening to divorce their spouses, cut off ties to their families and even kill Trump voters using poisons, guns, knives, etc.
The corporate media has been actively endorsing and encouraging this behavior. It’s a good thing their ratings are plunging and their influence continues to wane.
The amped up media rhetoric might explain the hysterical fears of fascism, but there’s more to it than the forked tongues of CNN and MSNBC. Why does it seem like leftists have gone far more insane during the latest election cycle? What’s different this time?
Losing The Popular Vote
Democrats often fall back on the argument that “something is wrong” with American voting methodology when they lose an election. They blame the electoral college because they don’t understand how it works or why it’s important. Needless to say, the Founding Fathers were highly suspicious of pure Democracy and sought to prevent tyranny by the majority. The EC helps to stop the major population centers of the nation (people that lean towards exploitation of rural producers) from ruling over all the people in the “flyover states”.
Because the protections of the 10th Amendment and state’s rights have been diluted over the past century, the Electoral College is usually the only thing standing in the way of fully centralized government under the control of blue population centers holding a few million more votes more than the rest of the country.
In 2024, though, Trump won the popular vote on top of the EC. The Democrats have no excuses to hide behind and they can no longer claim they’re the majority. They realize the popular vote, which they hold in reverence, is against them. The “democracy” they claim to protect did not work in their favor and now they’re confused.
Desperation For A Token Female President
The establishment media initially argued that Kamala Harris lost because of her race. But when it became clear that more black men and a large percentage of Hispanics voted against her compared to Barack Obama, the MSM shifted their narrative and blamed “misogyny” instead.
The same people who refuse to accept the scientific definition of a woman are mad that we still don’t have a woman president. Trump has defeated Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, and this has driven third-wave feminists into a spiraling breakdown. The problem is not that Democrats ran two women against Trump, the problem is that they ran two corrupt and reprehensible women against Trump. The character of the individual matters far more than identity politics.
Kamala Harris’ massive loss heralds the death of the social justice crusade and feminism in general, and this is very difficult for leftists to handle.
Get Woke, Go Broke Confirmed
When asked why they voted for Trump Americans often mention the economy, but in the same breath they cite woke ideology as the reason why they no longer support the Democrats. For years the political left built up their power using woke taboos as a basis for social control. People don’t forget. Even when Dems tried to go more centrist towards the end of the election cycle the public wasn’t buying it.
The last straw was undoubtedly the targeting of children with trans propaganda. Voters will only tolerate drag queen story hour, sexualized dances in front of kids (or involving kids), men in women’s bathrooms or tampons in boys bathrooms for so long. The public finally snapped and sent leftists a clear message: Your ideology is cancer and we’re cutting it out.
For a long time progressives have denied that “Get Woke, Go Broke” is a reality. Now it’s undeniable. Kamala Harris, the ultimate DEI candidate who once argued that all of America needs to “go more woke” has been rejected by the masses.
The Fall Of The Mainstream Media
If it wasn’t obvious before it’s clear now; the mainstream media is done. Their viewership is dwindling to nothing. Certain outlets (like MSNBC) are about to be parceled out in a fire sale. Only a tiny percentage of the population watches or listens to corporate journalists anymore. They’re about to be jobless.
The era of the Fourth Estate is over and the alternative media has won. The political left clings to the false legitimacy of the academic elite, the end of the establishment controlled media leaves them in a whirlwind of doubt. The “experts” have been exposed as impotent but the left refuses to move on with the rest of Americans. Their beloved gatekeepers have been crushed.
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Brainwashing And Irrational Fears Of “Fascism”
For the past four years Democrats have been drowning in a sea of anti-conservative propaganda telling them that anyone who disagrees with them is a fascist, an insurrectionist and an enemy of democracy. The corporate media has been conjuring endless images of Nazi marches, genocidal purges and book burnings. Even though Trump was already President for four years and none of these things happened under his direction, leftists are convinced that he intends to resurrect the Third Reich in his final term.
Nationalism by itself is not a precursor to fascism and the system has nothing to do with conservative principles. In fact, fascism is a creation of the far-left. Both Hitler and Mussolini held up Karl Marx as the inspiration for the development of National Socialism. Hitler’s efforts to expand control over the means of production was rooted in Marxist ideology and most industries were run behind the scenes by the fascist leadership. They also instituted price controls, wage controls and inflated the money supply to expand their power, just as Marxists do.
Leftists have spent decades trying to plant the association of conservatives as fascists into the collective consciousness, but as Adolph Hitler noted in 1934:
“National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teaching of Marxism.”
Socialists and communists go to war with each other all the time. Leftists turn on each other all the time. It’s not surprising that they turned against each other during WWII, and it’s not surprising that leftists today have no understanding that they have more in common with Nazis than conservatives do. The defeat of the progressives in 2024 is forcing them to question if they’re on the right side of history. Some of them are starting to wonder if they might be the baddies, and that revelation is devastating.