Qualified California residents can receive up to $2,000 to buy an electric bike under the state’s newest green incentive program.
Starting at 6 p.m. on Dec. 18, applications for the California Air Resources Board’s E-Bike Incentive Project will be available to state residents who are 18 or older and meet certain low-income requirements.
People with household incomes of less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible to receive vouchers of up to $2,000.
To qualify, a household of one person must make less than $45,180 a year; two-person households must bring in less than $61,320; a three-person household must earn less than $77,460; and a four-person household can’t make more than $93,600 a year, according to the program.
A portion of the incentives are also set aside for priority applicants of a defined lower-income or disadvantaged group. […]
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