Democratic politicians, the Washington “swamp,” and the legacy media would all have you believe that not a penny can be safely cut from the national budget. Democrats are even sending paddleboard messages to protest the cuts – the consequences would be unthinkable, they allege.
It’s theater of the absurd: performance art and virtue signaling from Democrats who really care only about preserving the swamp and its prerogatives. Most Americans have a better idea of what’s at stake: our tax dollars, controlling inflation, and making some progress in fighting our monumental national debt.
The federal government spent $6.8 trillion in fiscal year 2024. That represents an astounding increase of 10% from just the year before—a total of $617 billion.
Thing about that: 10% growth in one year!
With spending like that, it’s no wonder that the budget deficit for 2024 was $1.83 trillion. Our national debt has now reached $36.55 trillion, with interest compounding daily. (To make matters even worse, we primarily borrow from the Chinese, who are buying our Treasury bills.) […]
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