Comments for Economic Collapse Report There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Exposing the Federal Reserve’s Inflation Deception by letmepicyou Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:55:49 +0000 It should be noted that the federal reserve bank is a private, foreign and Jewish owned bank.

Comment on ‘Economic Intifada’: Pressure Mounts for Universities to Divest From Israel by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 14:16:42 +0000 Remember Pharoah? God destroyed him. There are many more examples of what God did and will do to those who try to destroy Israel. It all comes at the end though. So, expect it.

Comment on Tech Built Into Chinese-Made Cargo Cranes Could Be a “Trojan Horse” for US Seaports by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 14:10:06 +0000 China’s loving the playpen Biden gave them.

Comment on Kamalanomics: Supporters Tell You Not To Believe Your Own Eyes or Your Wallet by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:59:14 +0000 We got into this democratic mess BECAUSE we closed our eyes and did nothing to prevent it. Will we ever learn. Or should we just start digging our own graves of socialism?

Comment on Most Voters Believe in American Dream but Find It Less Attainable, Citing High Housing Prices, Poll Shows by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:40:01 +0000 Every bit of bad news articles this morning has projected a picture Kamala Harris’ face. She’s taking it for the team? While the team continues to destroy us. And there’s no doubt she loves her job. In 2020, we the people lain down in the tracks while the train of destruction ran over us…

Comment on Reckless $15 Billion Budget Shortfalls Risk VA Benefits. These Low-Hanging Fruits Could Prioritize Veterans’ Well-Being. by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:18:05 +0000 The democrats want to replace American soldiers with foreigners. Biden’s DOD has already solicited foreigners with promises of leadership positions. Read the DOD Directives. There’s been a pattern of danger for our soldiers dying in places they don’t belong. But this is a slap in the face – bim bam thank you man, but we don’t need you anymore. So a foreign army won’t be restricted by any dusty old Constitution or Supreme Court opinions. And the generals we have will be sent out to pasture and replaced with people who just don’t give a damn.

Comment on Kamala Harris Vows to End College Degree Requirements for Federal Jobs by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 12:59:58 +0000 One of the reasons for my first comment is the eventual closing of schools of higher learning. There might remain a few private universities for the families of our “keepers.” But keeping the people ignorant and uneducated serves the purpose of those who want us under complete control, while they steal everything we own – which is what they mean when they say “You will own nothing”

Comment on Kamala Harris Vows to End College Degree Requirements for Federal Jobs by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 12:52:46 +0000 What a mess! Using Kamala as an example will ruin our federal government, giving it a KO punch. Which, of course, traitors like Kamala et al are getting paid to do, not having the intelligence to see that they, too, will be replaced by “stakeholders.” Klaus Schwab said to paraphrase, in the one world government, “there won’t be any politicians. Our stakeholders will be in charge” The clowns are running this government, executive, legislative, and judicial but only somewhat. Actually, we’re further towards the praecipice with a quantum leap than we ever were. And if the democrats actually get to destroy our federal government, which is already nearly destroyed, it will be the fault of stupid people who let them, through ignorance and bad choices. Too many heads in the sand won’t know what hit them…

Comment on Will America’s Immigration Crisis Collapse Us Like the Roman Empire? by Marlene Sat, 14 Sep 2024 12:43:57 +0000 Yes.

Comment on Prepare for an Exodus From New York City After Approval of Idiotic Reparations Program by marlene Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:31:10 +0000 Further, if the democrats think they can wipe Kamala’s poor performance off the record with this stunt before election, it won’t. In fact, this maneuver might just work to harm any iota of a chance she may have had. I sure hope, and expect, so.
