The Biden-Harris government has agreed to pay $210,000 in attorneys’ fees and other costs to resolve a lawsuit following an attempt to force Christian employers to violate their beliefs regarding funding or performing transgender surgeries. Filed in October 2021, the plaintiffs in Christian Employers Alliance v. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission allege the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) misinterpreted and enforced Title VII discrimination rules in a way that compelled religious employers to pay for and offer health insurance coverage for transgender surgeries and procedures against their beliefs.
Additionally, the Christian Employers Alliance (CEA) lawsuit challenged the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) redefinition of “sex” in federal law to include gender identity, forcing religious healthcare providers receiving federal funds to perform or assist in these procedures.
Earlier this year, the federal court agreed with CEA’s arguments, determining that the EEOC and HHS mandates substantially burdened their religious beliefs with monetary penalties. The court issued a permanent injunction preventing these mandates from being enforced against CEA.
The Biden-Harris regime has been aggressive in pushing pro-transgenderism policies, pursuing legal action against opponents, including doctors who expose sex change operations on minors. […]
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